Welcome to the Light Zone of LEXX! 
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Lexxfanclub North America, 2001

Фото, выложенные здесь, когда-то находились на американском официальном сайте сериала, вот логотип. Сайта этого давно нет в сети, но фото сохранилсь и теперь мы выкладываем их просто для ознакомления.

© Photos courtesy of Terri Malinski. I recently returned from a 3-day visit to Electropolis Studios and the set of Lexx Season 4. Below are your first peeks at some of the new things in store for Season 4. You'll see some familiar sets and faces along with some new ones too. Enjoy!

Electropolis studios

Kate Delmage (Costume Designer) working away in wardrobe.
She was part of the design team responsible for the Wist costume guys.

Preston Hudson - the man who holds everything together (kinda like duct tape!)

Xenia and her Mum

© LEXX - LIGHT ZONE июль 2009 HELEN & Trulyalyana

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